Inspiring Conversations with Yoescarlay Rodriguez of Yoeweb Design – Voyage LA Magazine | LA City Guide

Today we’d like to introduce you to Yoescarlay. Them and their team share their story with us below:
Yoescarlay Rodriguez (“Yoe Rodriguez”) was born in Venezuela in 1994. At the age of 7, her mother realized Yoe’s early interest in electronic devices, decided to buy Yoe her first computer. Yoe’s interest in software development grew stronger, and she started to dream about someday developing her own.  At the age of 16, Yoe finished high school and went to college to study Systems Engineering. Her passion in computer software led her to simultaneously pursue a technician degree/certification in Free Software Development …


 Meet Yoescarlay Rodriguez Mogollon – Bold Journey Magazine

We were lucky to catch up with Yoescarlay Rodriguez Mogollon recently and have shared our conversation below.

Yoescarlay, thanks so much for taking the time to share your insights and lessons with us today. We’re particularly interested in hearing about how you became such a resilient person. Where do you get your resilience from? Immigrating from Venezuela to America necessitated resilience in order for me to have the life that I wanted. It has not been easy moving to a country with different culture and language. It has been even more difficult to run my own business in this new environment. There are lot of set-backs and hardships along the way that require reliance on resilience. My mother is the person who taught me how to be resilient. I was raised with the phrase “quiero, puedo, y lo hago” which translates to “I want, I can, and I do it”…

 Yoescarlay Rodriguez Honored for Skill and Passion in Web Development (

Drawn to computers and science from a young age, Ms. Rodriguez has since grown in her profession as a web development expert. Since 2017, she has served as the owner and web developer of Yoeweb Design Inc., where she is responsible for web development for various businesses. Specializing in graphic design, search engine optimization and image consultation, the company has been a member of the Printing Industries Association of Southern California Inc. and the Printing Industries of America since 2018. It is also certified by California Unified Certification Program as DBE and by Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority as a Small Business Enterprise…